Kris ‘Pepper’ Hambrick
As an informal educator, podcast host/guest, and SIFF presenter, I’ve presented on various film-related topics both in person and virtually. Talk to me about coming to your organization/club/meeting for a tailored, interactive talk about any of the following topics, or I will work with you to tailor one to your unique group needs!
Alfred Hitchcock — His legacy and why we can’t get enough
The Beatles on Film — Fact and Fiction and the Fate of the Fab Four
Gangster Movies — James Cagney to Robert de Niro, and beyond
The History of the Movie Musical — Escapist fluff? Social commentary? Or both?100 Years of Sherlock Holmes — The Great Detective has taken hundreds of forms!
Rock n’ Roll on Film — How Hollywood capitalized on a teen craze
Set in Seattle — Movies that take place or were filmed here!
Star Trek: Changing the Future from the Past — How Star Trek on TV and on film impacted our lives
Time Travel — The way we’ve used time travel to tell stories about ourselves